Start with where you want the pin to be in the shawl, like this:
Once you've figured out where you want it to go, then you'll rotate the pin to stick the free end through the fabric like this:
It's easiest to work the free end into a knit stitch. I wouldn't recommend putting it into a yarn-over hole, because it can stretch the hole, and it's less likely to do that in a knit stitch. It seems counter-intuitive to start here, but once it's fully rotated, it will make more sense.
Once the free end has been inserted into the fabric, continue rotating the leaf almost 180 degrees clockwise and push it through the fabric like so:
Then, angle the pin upwards, so that the free end can poke through the fabric where you want it to come through.
It will look a little strange at this point, but once it's rotated it'll look better.
Just like the previous step, rotate the pin again, so that the fabric sits level in the leaf.
And there you go! I promise, more fun posts will be forthcoming, dyeing escapades, breaking yarn diets, spindle making, and so much more!
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